Old Towles Cemetery, Howard, Steuben Co., New York, USA


Latitude: 42.3337561, Longitude: -77.4556517 | Click to get directions to Old Towles Cemetery

All Burials

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Buried   Person ID   Tree 
1. Elizabeth   d. 13 May 1866 Old Towlesville Cemetery, Towlesville, Steuben County, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I12042 OurNorthernRoots 
2. Brooks, David   d. 6 Mar 1847 Old Towlesville Cemetery, Towlesville, Steuben County, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I12041 OurNorthernRoots 
3. Brooks, John G.   d. 16 Jul 1872 Old Towlesville Cemetery, Towlesville, Steuben County, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I12043 OurNorthernRoots 
4. Brooks, Joseph W.   d. 19 Feb 1855 Old Towlesville Cemetery, Towlesville, Steuben County, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I12065 OurNorthernRoots 
5. Brooks, Saphronia   d. 13 Jun 1866 Old Towlesville Cemetery, Towlesville, Steuben County, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I12040 OurNorthernRoots 
6. Brown, Joseph McCord   d. 21 Jan 1890 Old Towlesville Cemetery, Towlesville, Steuben County, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I12027 OurNorthernRoots 
7. Gillett, Electa Hopkins   d. 5 Aug 1894 Old Towlesville Cemetery, Towlesville, Steuben County, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I12028 OurNorthernRoots 
8. Wick, Phebe   d. 20 Dec 1861 Old Towlesville Cemetery, Towlesville, Steuben County, New York, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I49143 OurNorthernRoots