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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1 1673 moved to Deerfield, MA and 09/18/1675, Killed during King Philips Indian massacre of the settlement at Bloody Creek, MA Gillett, Joseph (I14471)
2 1683June16 William Fisher buys land of James Townsend (West side of Washington Street between Bromfield and Winter Street) Fisher, William (I15672)
3 1695May16 William Fisher (Shipwright) buys land of Exexctor of Nathanial Thayer. (North side of Winter Street) Fisher, William (I15672)
4 1703 moved to NJ Haynes, Thomas (I3517)
5 1745 Capture of Fort Louisburg, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia - "Ben Franklin warned that it would be 'a hard nut to crack' - but in 1745 a ragtag army of New Englanders captured France's most imposing North American stronghold". Jonathan Farren was a 'Leftenant' in the army on this expedition Farren, Captain Jonathan (I152)
6 1756, he was living in Hanover, Lancaster Co.,PA and listed on the tax list of Hanover as "fled" from the Indians.
  • 1770 and 1772 tax list in Paxtang, Lancaster Co.,PA.
  • 1777Mar22 - Purchased 340 acres land in Derry township, (then Northumberland Co.), land records state he is from Torbut. Bought from James Willson- land transferred to his five sons in his will of 1788. Land was describe as being on the headwaters of the east branch of Chillisquaque Creek. His son, David, stated in his Rev War Pension records that he lived at the headwaters of the Chillisquaque Creek about a mile and a half south of the Indian path that leads to Muncy Creek.
  • 1781-1787 taxed in Northumberland Co.,PA. 
  • Haynes, Bartholomew (I98)
    7 1757Nov15: Ebenezer Fisher (mariner) and his wife Elizabeth deed to Dr. Sylvester Gardiner land with building, s Winter St., West of a passageway then turns and bound on rear od said passage where it measures south 5 feet then turns west on other land of said Fisher, North of Dr.Gardiner, east of partly on land of Dr.Gardiner and heirs of John Rushton and land of Stephen Parker. (North side of Winter Street) Fisher, Ebenezer (I15670)
    8 1761 Spinster. Will dated 14Oct1761, Proved 20Nov1761. Executor "my brother William" Legatees: Mother Elizabeth Fisher, my late sister Vinal's children, some of my wearing apparel as my sister Ruth shall see fit. All my right in house and land in Winter St. to my brother, William Fisher and my sister Ruth Fisher. Fisher, Mary (I40795)
    9 1762 his marriage record he is known as "a Seafaring Man"

  • 20Oct1767, John Fisher (Mariner) and wife Bethia and Hannah Scolley(spinster) deed to John Greenleafe (apothacary) land; in Williams Court.

  • 1786 taxpayer in Palmer
  • 1794 deed dated 16 Dec 1794 in Palmer
  • 1795 (Lber 31, Pge 727) John Jr deed to Judah Ferry in Palmer, MA

    Notes from Sheldon Fisher.

  • Master of the Sloop Beaver II. Lost some of his property in the great Boston Fire of 1760. A child's arm chair and a matching adults chair were saved and is still in the family (2001-Shelton Fisher)

    The following was also written, however, John did not die in the 1780's at sea he was in fact living in Victor in 1810.

  • If you are attacked by a would-be assassin and your life is saved by the providential hand of a passing stranger, just give the man a pipe he can smoke — and if it's your best smoker to boot, he'll cherish it all of his days and pass it on to posterity. That's what happened to Capt. John Fisher, 18th Century tea trader, enroute to China, who stopped in India for an extra cargo. While witnessing a procession in honor of an Indian prince, he quickly turned the hand of a ruffian who tried to murder the potentate. So pleased was his majesty that he bestowed upon the captain his favorite pipe. Fifteen inches long, with a stem of carved horn, wood and ivory, and a porcelain bowl in the form of a turbaned head, the pipe has been handed down from one generation to another, finally reaching its present owner, J. Sheldon Fisher, of Fishers, N. Y., great-great, great-grandson of Capt. John. The adventuresome seafarer lived in Boston, overlooking the Common and according to family tradition, participated in a certain famous tea party. As the boxes were broken open, on that historic occasion, some of the tea spilled into the captain's boots. Arriving home from the "party," he and his wife, Mary, so the story goes, set aside their patriotic fervor, for the moment and stole into the attic for a quiet (and secret) cup of tea. Soon after Capt. Fisher set forth on a long voyage which proved to be his last. He is believed to have perished at the hands of Portuguese pirates upon whom he had sworn vengeance for a previous unfortunate encounter. His son Robert brought his family overland to the Irondequoit Valley In 1811 and died shortly after, when his son Charles became the head of the family, thus firmly fixing the name of Fisher's to the settlement where he had made his home.
  • Fisher, Captain John (I15617)
    10 1771 then settles to Lansing Lot 5 with her husband and George House (possibly her father or brother) Haus, Anna Nancy (I24329)
    11 1772 Macungie,PA tax list (farmer, 1 horse, 1 cow, 15acres cultivated, 55acres uncultivated)
  • 1773Apr14 By the Proprietaries, 30acres Northampton Co.,PA, adjoining other land and of Michael Warmkessell, and widow Lydia of John Traxler in Macungie. retd 1774Oct25, 1810Apr04 (jnt al)
  • 1774Oct25 By the Proprietaries, 12acres NorthamptonCo.,PA, adjoining his current land and that of John Traxler and Jacob Barr in Macungie. signed John Penn. retd 1810Apr04. 
  • Weaver, John (I10340)
    12 1786 West Nottingham, Chester Co.,PA tax list.
    1790 living in Little Britain,Lancaster Co.,PA, one male under 16.
    1800 Easton,Ontario Co., NY.
    1810 living in Seneca,Ontario Co.,NY(six sons, three daughter).
    1814 Took Oath of Allegience in Ontario Co., NY.
    1820 census, not found.

    Either left country or died (Jane Sutherland stated her mother, Lydia, lived with her grandparent, Haines, after her parents(Charles and Sophia) seperated (Sophia went to live with her son William). Daughter, Lydia, 1880 census states both parents born in PA. Son, William, says his father was foreign born (1870 census)

    McMichael, Charles (I19744)
    13 1789 removed to Pittsford, Monroe Co., NY township with his cousin Simon Stone. Here they purchased over 6,000 acres, or half the township, from Phelps and Gorham. Israel established his homestead beside the spring near the old canal in the village. They soon sold portions of their track to various new settlers; and many years after the death of Israel his widow brought suits against several of these grantees to recover value of her dower which she had not released at the time of the sales. The Israel Stone in 1790 three away from Thomas Cleland in Genesee District, Ontario Co.,NY.  Stone, Lieut. Israel (I50594)
    14 1789 residing at Brattle Square (Boston,MA) Scollay, John Esq (I15679)
    15 1790 census - Bucks Co.,PA - here are two Richard Mitchel's in Bucks County in 1790 - our Richard is living close to several Margerum, Moon, Vanhorn families. 2 males under 16, 1 over 16, and 5 females. Mitchel, Richard (I326)
    16 1790 census Malden 1-2-3 Burditt, Nathan (I8157)
    17 1790 census Middletown,Ulster Co.,NY (later Delaware Co.)
    1800 census Colchester,Delaware Co.,NY(colchester was formed from Middletown in 1792)
  • 1804Oct09 bought land in the town of Ovid, Seneca Co., NY from George Pearson & wife, Gertrude, of Albany. Henry is living in Ovid at the time of sale, $390, Lot 97 (part of Lot 5 conveyed in August1804 from Jonathon Woodworth) containing 98acres. recorded Aug1806 (Seneca Co., Book B, page 118).
  • 1810 census Ovid,Seneca Co.,NY
  • 1815Apr11 sold land in Ovid, Seneca Co.,NY to Sylvanus Graves, of Harpersfield, Delaware Co.,NY. Sold for $2,000, Lot 97 containing 98acres. Recorded Apr1816 (Seneca Co., Book J, page 357)
  • 1820 and 1830 census Virgil,Cortland Co.,NY 
  • Hogaboom, Henry (I3380)
    18 1790 in Bucks Co., 1 male under 16, 3 over 16, 6 females and 4 other free persons.

    Not the Richard Mitchell, Mason, that died in 1800 Lower Makefield. Also in the 1790 census (2 under 16, 1 over and 5 females).

    This is most likely the Richard, son of John Mitchell, Middletown, Yeoman that died 1789 - had brothers Henry, Samuel Pearson and sister Sarah Wilson and Margaret Wilson. 
    Mitchell, Richard (I44934)
    19 1790 Lancaster, three males under 16, 1 over and 4 females in household.

    NOTE: Not to be confused with the Paul Sawyer, died 1798 in Bolton, son of Jonathan Sawyer.  
    Sawyer, Paul Jr. (I35163)
    20 1790 living in Caughnawaga,Montgomery Co.,NY "JACOB STALY 2-1-1" near the Stewart, Fyck, Delyne, and McVain Families.
  • 1800 Florida,Montgomery Co.,NY 10101-01121 Jacob Staley, near the Van Aten,
  • 1810 living in Johnstow,NY next to his son Jacob. "George J. Staley 21001-00101"
  • Possibly the Jacob Staley that is also in Butlers Rangers and later living in Caughnawaga,NY the same time John Staley is, and going to the same church....Reformed Protestant Dutch Church. John's twins Philip and Gertry are bapt there in 1806 and George's children are from 1792 to at least 1801. 
  • Staley, George Jacob (I24414)
    21 1790 living in Little Brittian,PA
    1820 in Seneca,Ontario Co.,NY  
    Haines, Joseph (I21887)
    22 1790, and 1800 living in Pownal,VT Burns, Samuel (I32404)
    23 1799 Tax List - Sharon, Schoharie Co., NY (House and Farm - Value of Real Estate $180/ Personal Estate $66/ Total $246/ Tax $0/ Tax Cents=24)
  • 1800 census- Sharon, Schoharie Co., NY (1-0-0-1-0|2-0-0-1-0).(Index shows as Abner)
  • 1800 Tax List - Sharon, NY (Farm - Value of Real Estate $180/ Personal Estate $50/Tax Cents=92)
  • 1801 Tax List - Sharon, NY (Value of Real Estate $180/ Personal Estate $22/ Tax Cents=66)
  • 1802 Tax List - Sharon, Schoharie Co., NY (Value of Real Estate $0/ Personal Estate $15/ Tax Cents=4)
  • 1803 Tax List - Ovid, Cayuga Co., NY (Value of Real Estate $0/ Personal Estate $128/ Tax Cents=15)
  • abt 1804 Land Purchase in Ovid - cannot find land transactions when Abraham purchased any land in Ovid or Hector - possibly from military track from his father??
  • 1810 Census – Ovid, Seneca Co., NY - Abraham Leonard – 1(Male<10); 1(Male16-25); 1(Male26-44); 2(Female10-15); 1(Female26-44)
  • 1812 Land (Seller)– Ovid, Seneca Co., NY – Lot 74, 80acres, $2000 - Abraham Leonard and Mary his wife, both of Ovid to Levi Wheeler
  • 1816 Land (Seller) – Hector, Seneca Co., NY – Lot 48, 15acres, $200 - Abraham Leonard, of Hector to William Smith, of Hector - William Smith is Abraham’s son-in-law through daughter Catherine.
  • 1820 Land (Seller) – Ulysess, Tompkins Co., NY – Lot 18, 15 Acres, $120 - Abraham Leonard and Olive his wife, of Hector, to Daniel Dunham of Hector. - Probably owned by his wife Olive (maybe from a previous marriage)
  • 1820 Census – Hector, NY - Abraham Leonard - 1(Male16-25); 1(Male>45); 3(Females<10); 2(Females26-44) - Next door to – Caty Smith – 2(Male<10); 1(Female<10); 1(Female26-45) - His widowed daughter.
  • 1822 Land (Seller) – Hector, NY – Lot 57, 81.5acres, $1500 - Abraham Leonard & Olive his wife, of Hector to Abraham Leonard Jr, of Warren, Ohio - clue that links the Abraham Jr as the son of this Abraham(1770) as his older children were born in Ohio - some say he is the son of Solomon. However Solomon's son Abraham was a little younger and died about 1840 leaving his widow to marry Truman Warner, settling in Bradford Co.,PA with the other kin of Solomon.
  • 1823 Land (Seller) – Hector, NY – Lot 57, 163.25, $100 - Abraham Leonard, of Hector to John Leonard, of Hector
  • 1825 Census – Hector, NY - Abram Leonard - 6(Males); 6(Females); 1(Male18-45); 1(Male>18); 1(Female<45); 2(Female16-45); 1(Female<16). Next door to Coddington, Brown, Morgan
  • 1825 Land (Seller) – Hector, NY – Lot 48, 150acres, $2000 - Abraham Leonard, of Hector to Abraham Leonard Jr and John Leonard, of Hector
  • 1827 Land (Seller) – Hector, NY – Lot 48, 50acres, $1000 - Abraham Leonard, of Hector to Benjamin Wilbur, Hector
  • 1830 Census -Hector, NY - Abram Leonard – 1(Male50-59); 2(Females10-14); 1(Female50-59) - Next door to – John Leonard – 1(Male10-14); 1(Male20-29); 1(Male70-79); 1(Female<5); 1(Female20-29) - Male(70-70) Possibly father or father-in-law. - Next door to – Abram Leonard Jr. – 1(Male<5); 2(Male5-9); 1(Male10-14); 1(Male40-49); 1(Female<5); 2(Females10-14); 1(Female15-19); 1(Female20-29)
  • 1833 Cemetery Marker - Eddy Cemetery, Schuyler Co., NY - Solomon (1767) in same cemetery – d.1825
  • 1833 Probate Record - Names wife (no name given, most likely Lyida) and children: Abraham Jr., John, Almy, and Olive - Abraham Jr executor of the Will - Does not name his eldest daughter, Catherine (married Wm H. Smith (1799-1820), married second, Ambrose Dunham, later settled in Steuben Co.,NY). 
  • Leonard, Abraham (I281)
    24 1800 census "David Barker" Charlestown,MA - 11110-10012 (David born
    between 1755-1774, his wife between 1755-1774, 2 older woman, one
    daughter under 10, 3 males under 26.
    1810 census "David Barker" Charlestown,MA - 21001-21010 (David born
    before 1765, his wife between 1765-1784, 3 sons under 16, 3 daughter
    under 16.
    1820 census "David Barker" Charlestown,MA - 020001-00011 (David born
    before 1775, his 'wife' between 1775-1794, an older woman born before
    1775, 2 sons between 1804-1810. 
    Barker, David (I13227)
    25 1800 Census - Cazenovia New York
    1801 Church Admittance - Cazenovia New York - Baptist Church
    1810 Census - Cazenovia New York
    1810 Land Purchase - Cazenovia New York
    1820 Census - Victor, Ontario Co.,NY (next to Lucinda Fisher) Household includes: males 2(10-16), 1(16-18), 2(16-26), 1(26-45); females 1(10-16), 2(>45)
    1830 Census - Victor, Ontario Co.,NY (2 away from Charles Fisher) Household includes: males 1(<5), 1(5-9), 2(20-29), 1(50-59); females 1(10-14), 1(50-59) 
    Barrett, David (I50719)
    26 1800 census Grafton,VT listed as Jonathan Chapman (1 make 26-45; 1 female 26-45; 1 female 10-16; 3 females under 10).

  • 1810 census Grafton,VT - John Chapman (2 males under 10; 1 male 26-45; 3 females under 10; 3 females 10-16; 1 female 26-45). Living next to the Goodnough, Bloget, Eastman Loveman, and Denison families.

  • 1820 census Grafton,VT - John Chapman (2 males under 10; 1 male 10-16; 1 male over 45; 2 females 16-26; 1 female 26-45; 1 female over 45). Living next door to John G. Chapman (16-26 male; 16-26 female) 
  • Chapman, John Jr. (I7992)
    27 1800 census of Romulus,Seneca Co.,NY (1 male under 10, 1 male over 45, 2 females 10-15, 1 female over 45) Haynes, Jane (I44610)
    28 1800 census, Sparta, Monroe Co., Wisconsin: Royal Brown, 77, born Delaware, father b.Maryland, mother b.Connecticut.
    --showing him born in Delaware is assumed Deleaware County, New York. However, his father as Maryland? Mother as Connecticut (NY border was often mistaken for CT) 
    Brown, Royal (I43948)
    29 1800 in Canton, Norfolk Co., Mass. Wadsworth, Elisha (I1701)
    30 1800 in Pownal,VT next to his son, Samuel. 1810 living in Marcellus.

  • Albert Wiltsee in 1897 wrote of his grandfather, John Wiltsie that "He went to see a strictly Dutch girl" to get married and therefore be released from bondage of Mr. Buley (marriage was the only way he was told). We assume this is Polly Burns, his wife, d/o Francis Burns. The following is about this Francis' father and uncle, Francis/Franz.

    In June 1746, while Franz Burns and his brother were hoeing in Cohoha cornfield, when they saw their barn on fire. On nearing their cottage door, they beheld a stack of French rifles and in their fright the brothers separated. One ascended the trail over the Kreigger Rocks and hastened up the valley to Fort Massachusetts, and the other turned up the river and met an ambuscade of warriors, who gave chase for his scalp. He plunged into the river and hid beneath piles of driftwood until the Indians retreated down the valley. The next morning, he rose from his hiding place and proceeded to the English fort, where to his surprise he found his brother.
    The Hoosac Valley: Its Legends and Its History, Grace Greylock Niles, 1912, p.121) 
  • Burns, Francis (I18810)
    31 1800 living in Romulus,Cayuga Co.,NY - next to the Hood families (1 male under 10, 3 males 10-15, 1 male 26-44, 1 male over 45, 2 females under 10, 1 female 26-44)
  • January 1800 Joseph was a witness to Robert Hood's will.
  • Joseph married three times and had thirteen children. 
  • Haynes, Joseph (I3633)
    32 1802 Tax Northampton, Ontario, New York
    1810 unknown (may be misspelled - near Dansville,NY)
    1820 Sparta, Ontario Co., New York (next door to brother-in-law Henry Dreisbach)
    1830 Thompson, Seneca Co., Ohio
    1840 Rock Island Co., Illinois 
    Snow, Pliny H. (I43998)
    33 1805 Albany and then to Argyle, Washington Co., N.Y. and about 1812 settled in the town of Bath, Steuben County, NY, and was in Howard Township in 1818 where he owned 150 acres had by the 1825 census in Howard he had 7 sons and 2 daughters. John's occupation was a Stone mason & brick layer 1818- Howard Township, Steuben Co., N.Y. He died of injuries after a team of horses ran away with him. Stewart, John (I12139)
    34 1806 Pittsford, VT, Nathan was listed as a person admitted and qualified as freeman as law directs (History of Pittsford)

  • Dr. Nathan Wadsworth died in Bloomfield, Ontario County, NY in 1809 - probate records names widow, Rebekah.  
  • Wadsworth, Doctor Nathan (I1705)
    35 1810 - Marcellus,NY - living with husband Wm Foster (no Nathan Tanner in town).

    "Major Martin Cossit, a Revolutionary soldier, settled in the village in 1798. In March, 1799, the settlement of Thorn Hill was commenced by David Earll, Eleazer Burns, John Wiltsie, and Nathan Tanner, who came hither from Washington county on sleighs drawn by horse teams and oxen. Mr. Earll died upon his original farm and was succeeded by his son, William, who, upon his death, was followed by his son, Shepard. This is one of the very few instances in Marcellus of perpetuity of title and actual residence. Thorn Hill, situated in the southwest corner of the town, was named from Obadiah Thorn, a later comer, who was instrumental in establishing the post-office and mail route, and who was for many years a highly respected citizen and widely known as an extensive wool buyer. He subsequently removed to the Baldwin farm, near Skaneateles."

    Albert Wiltsee in 1897 wrote of his grandfather, John Wiltsie that "He went to see a strictly Dutch girl" to get married and therefore be released from bondage of Mr. Buley (marriage was the only way he was told). We assume this is Polly Burns, his wife. With this bit of info I find in the History of Hoosac Valley that early(pre1746) "squatter" of the area of Pownal and Hooasc Valley included a "Franz Burns and his brother" - Many family history online note that Polly, Hannah, John and Eleazor's father was a Mr.Burns of Scottish descendant. I fine this not true at all. The record referenced is Virginia immigration records and there is no proof that the Virginia Burns is the same Burns in the Pownal areas. I think the new 'leaf' thing on Ancestry has taken some folks to believe all the suggestions are fact - and once one person adds that data, it multiplies without basis in real facts and soon the real clues are lost or become clouded.

    My theory is that the Thorn Hill Burn's are descedants of Franz and/or his brother(unknown name) Burns that settled in the Hoosac Valley. Franz (Englishized to Francis - a common name in the Burns family). 
    Burns, Hannah (I18785)
    36 1810 Bloomfield, Ontario Co., NY - Betsey Ferrin: 1020010001 (male under 10, 2 males 16-26, 1 female under 10, and one female over 45), next to Ebenezer Stone, Wm Barber, Henry Pierson, Reuben Parmilee. Henry, Elizabeth (I28575)
    37 1810 census of Marcellus, John born between 1765 and 1789. Allen, John (I2353)
    38 1810 in Pulteney, Steuben County. Gillett, Deacon Selah (I48748)
    39 1810 possibly in Oppenheim,Fulton Co.,NY living next to Audolph
    House(1769-1824 Barre,NY s/o Andrew House and Ms Morgan) and John
    Cool, and George Lin and Freeman Gates(d.OH).
    Brown, William (I24972)
    40 1810Feb27 sold his portion of the land in Liberty,NY granted to him by his father in 1797 to his brother, Stephen Jr. for one dollar.
    Apparently, Frederick then moved to Virgil, Cortland Co.,NY (shown in 1810 census) 
    Benton, Frederick (I44404)
    41 1816 bought land in Pittsford from Joseph Blake Cleland, Thomas Jr. (I15568)
    42 1820 and 1830 living in Pomfret,Chautauqua Co.,NY Wilson, Henry (I28614)
    43 1820 census, Nancy's father is two names away from John's father, John, and 9 names away from John's grandfather, George Allen. Allen, John (I18147)
    44 1820 in Brookline,VT with 3 males under 10 years. In 1830 he was
    living in Brookline,VT had three sons, 2 under 5 and one between 5 and
    10 years old. In 1840 he is in Brookline with 1 male between 10 and
    15 and himself 40-50 and his wife 50-60. 1850 living in Newfane as a
    Blacksmith. 1860 a blacksmith in Newfane,VT 
    Burditt, Jacob Jr. (I17327)
    45 1820 in Liberty, Sullivan County, New York (1 male under 10, 1 male 16-26, 1 female under 10, 1 female 16-26) Next door to Ichabod Benton.
  • 1824Jan15 Land (Witness) Liber.3,Page 650-Liberty, NY - Charles Benton purchased land in Liberty from Benjamin Hardenburgh and his wife Cornelia(d/o Cornelius Wynkoop) for $150 (50acres) -witness: Darius Martin and John H. Brown
  • 1828Dec13 Land (Seller) Liber.7, Page 180- Liberty, NY - Hardenburgh Patent, Lot 2, Div23 (Bounded by Charles Benton lands) containing 50 acres of land and buildings, $100, John H. Brown and Hannah Brown, his wife, of Liberty sold to Cornelia Hardenburgh. - recorded 1830Aug05, witnessed G,M, Hardenburgh and Julius Benton.
  • 1830 in Rockland, Sullivan County, New York (1 male under 5, 2 males 5-10, 1 male 30-40, 1 female under 5, 1 female 10-15, 1 female 30-40)
  • 1831Apr01 - Letter for John H. Brown at the Monticello Post Office (Republican Watchman, Monticello, NY, April 19, 1831)
  • 1840 unknown
  • 1846Sep22 Land transaction (Book15/Page101) - wife Hannah purchased 50 acres in Damascus. Same land she sold(Book25/Page58) in 1856 to their son Ichabod and on the same day transferred the deed back to them both them for as long as they live, then it will transfer back to Ichabod.
  • 1850 Damascus, Wayne Co., Pennsylvania working as a farmer (aged 55) with wife Hannah (aged 53), children: Henry, Hannah, Zilpha, Henrietta, and farm laborer Henry Miller(aged 34)- his widowed son-in-law.
  • 1860 living with his son William R. Brown in Liberty, Sullivan Co., NY as a farm laborer(aged 65) with wife Hannah(aged 62) and daugher Zylpha(aged 22).
  • 1870 unknown
  • 1880 unknown

    (Not the John Brown buried in Clayton Co.,Iowa) 
  • Brown, John H. (I34071)
    46 1820 in Marcellas also John, William, Solomon, William Hunt two away from Asa, Solomon also on same page, poss. brothers

  • 1830 census there is Solomon and William both born between 1781 and 1790. They are noted listed in the Hunt Family History (Ancestors and descendants of Samuel Hunt of Pauling, Dutchess County and Cambridge, Washington County, New York, Jerome D. Traver, 2005). I believe they are the link to Deborah, assumed siblings). Note that the Thomas Hunt that came to Marcellus (had Seneca(1786), Samuel(1784), Solomon(1797), David(1799) and others had a sister named had an Aunt named Deborah. Thomas' father was Samuel(1735-1800), of Cambridge, Washington Co., NY) - border near Vermont/Mass. It would appear that Solomon and William and Deborah are children of Samuel(1735)'s brother, unknown.

  • Ironically William Hunt(1715) had a daughter, Deborah(b.1746) that married Asa Haynes. William's son Daniel had a daughter, Deborah(b.22Sep1783, per Family Bible). Is this Deborah, our Deborah and her cemetery marker is incorrect? No one has a record of who this Deborah married, only that she was living in 1809 at the time of her father's will (in Ulster Co.,NY) 
  • Hunt, Deborah (I12213)
    47 1820 living in Clinton,Dutchess Co.,NY. 1840 living in
    Chatham,Columbia Co.,NY 
    Sleight, Simpson (I14196)
    48 1820 living on her late husbands farm in Hector, next to her father, Abraham Leonard.
    Catherine married second to Ambrose Dunham, of Howard,Steuben Co.,NY. She had three children with her first husband, William Smith; Sally, Abram, and John. Also four children with Ambrose; Richard, Ira, Elizabeth, and Laura. 
    Leonard, Catherine (I279)
    49 1826Mar14 FOSTER TANNER of Marcellus sold to JOHN BOGGS for $70 part of Lot 53 Marcellus, bounded by NATHAN TANNER'S land, WYLSE and EARLLS land, JOHN BURNS' land, ELEAZER BURNS' land containing five and a half acres of lands formerly belonging to the late NATHAN TANNER deceased. Signed FOSTER TANNER 14 March 1826 (Book GG p. 450-451 LDS film 0869672) Tanner, Foster (I20496)
    50 1830 census of son Henry shows her age, born between 1760 and 1770. 1840 census of son Henry shows her age, born between 1750 and 1760. Daughter Catherine d/c states her mother,Mary, was born in Herkimer Co.,NY House, Maria Elizabeth (I163)

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