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- Samuel moved from Duxbury,Ma to Milton in 1656 where he built his home on Wadsworth Hill. In 1670 the house burned and the family moved into the barn where his son Benjamin was born. In 1675-6 Samuel served as a Captain in the Militia of Milton in King Philip's War, besides the following story, Capt Wadsworth participated in several Indian skirmishs throughout Massachusetts until the following....As the story is stated, by his son Benjamin(President of Havard College in the early 1700's), Capt. Wadsworth was sent from Boston with 50 men to releive Marlborough. After marching 25 miles, they were informed that the enemy had gone toward Sudbury,MA; so without stopping to take any rest, they pursued after them. On coming near the town, a party of enemy were discovered, and pursued about a mile into the woods, when all of a sudden they were surrounded on all side by nearly 500 Indians. With no chance of escape, this little band of brave men under the command of Capt Wadsworth now resolved to fight to the last man. They gained an eminence, which they maintained for sometime. While night was appoarching, they began to scatter, which gave the enemy the advantage, and nearly everyone was slain. The Battle of Green Hill, as it was known, was a dreadful blow to the country. President Wadsworth erected a monument where this battle was fought and his father was killed. The insciption reads, "Captain Wadsworth of Milton, his Lieutenant Sharp of Brookline, Capt Broclebank of Rowley, with about 26 other soldiers, fighting for the defence of their country, were slain by the Indian enemy April 18, 1676, and lye buried in this place." Capt Wadsworth left an estate valued at L1248, including his farm of 300 acres at Milton.[